Dear Visitors,

Welcome to the SOPC!

If you want to become a SOPC member, you need to follow the steps below. 

1.  The serving member must be a member of either the HQ SACT Officers' Mess or the Senior Rates Mess.

2. Once he/she is a member, their spouse is eligible to join the SOPC,

To access all of the SOPC events, and SOPC clubs' registrations, and information about community circles, as well as any other interesting information that the SOPC committee has collected especially for you, you need to use a membership login.

To become a SOPC member click <here>

SOPC (HQ SACT Officers´, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Staff Members Partners´ Club)

A social club based on friendship and charity

to build a better and closer community of NATO spouses.

We offer clubs, social activities, monthly lunches and a great network of friends.

SOPC Flyer (pdf)

Join our SOPC members Facebook group!

Open positions in the SOPC Committee

Reservation Assistant

Treasurer Assistant

Raffle Assistant (2)

Charity Assistant

Newsletter Assistant

Social Assistant (2)

Refer to SOPC opportunities details.

Open Positions at SOPC

SOPC Clubs and Community Circles

If you are a member, you´ll find more information about our SOPC clubs <here> and community circles <here>

Next Lunches

No upcoming events

Upcoming Events

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Community Calendar

Check our Community Calendar to see all events including the dates for our SOPC clubs and the community circles.

You can switch between list view and calendar view by using the button on the right side.


Organizations we support in 2024-2025




Contact the Legal Assistance Section, Office at the Legal Advisor, with any personal transition issues or related questions you may have:


Please also consult the Newcomers & Serving Staff webpage, Legal Assistance and Personal Transition Information:

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