Before applying to be a SOPC Member, please read our Bylaws.
To register as a member, select your membership level: ISRM or Mess member, depending on your spouse affiliation. After completing all the required information, you will receive a confirmation of your SOPC membership by email. This could take a few days. We accept new members at any time of the year.
To learn more about the membership types in the Officers' Mess (especially type S for SOPC membership) please visit http://www.sactofficersmess.wildapricot.org/types
Please be aware that ALL members must pay the SOPC annual fee: SOPC ISRM members and SOPC Mess members will pay directly online.
Please read our Bylaws (Article III) to check if you fulfill the requirements to become an Associate member or in case you want to propose an Honorary member. You can download the application for Associate or for Honorary membership here.
If you need any help to register, please ask your sponsor or you can also send an e-mail to our Membership Team at membership@sopc.us.
You need to be a registered member of the SOPC in order to make any reservations for lunches or to sign up for our social clubs.
Every September, the SOPC Operation Committee hosts the first Lunch to welcome all newcomers.
In addition to meeting the members of the Operation Committee, representatives of the SOPC Social Clubs and Circles will be presented and you will have an opportunity to sign up for the clubs you would like to join.
Everyone is welcome to attend, but reservations are required. More details will be available from Lunches Page. More information will be available nearer to the date of this event.